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Counselling, workplace support, youth and community, cross cultural workshops

We are working harder and longer, leaving less time for the important things in life. Success can suddenly become hollow when our relationships come under stress or fail. With less time, and often pressured resources, how do we put the time and effort into building resilience in ourselves and our relationships?

Being authentic is a key strategy in building resilience. Henri Nouwen, uses the term ‘hospitality’ to describe the concept of creating emptiness, “not a fearful emptiness, but a friendly emptiness where strangers can enter and discover themselves as created free: free to sing their own songs, speak their own languages, dance their own dances.... Hospitality is not the subtle invitation to adopt the style of the host, but the gift of a chance for the guest to find his own”.

Soult is a place where you are invited to discover yourself, to discover your own style, your own song, language and dance. By doing this we build hope, courage and confidence. This creates resilience in our relationships with the people we value.

Nouwen, H. 1976 Reaching out.  London, Harper Collins